All the things I do not know
Perfectly planned and organized
is how I have always lived my life
Knowing what happens next
Never would I perplex
But life has a way of changing
And plans call for rearranging
So much out of my control
Anxiety starts to take a toll
Raising a child with special needs
Has a way of planting seeds
Some of joy, some of doubt
Always something to worry about
The future has become uncertain
Hidden behind an unmovable curtain
The list has grown and grown
Of all the things that are unknown
I don’t know the sound of your voice.
I don’t know your favorite color.
I don’t know if you like the clothes I pick for you.
I don’t know the dream that made you cry out.
I don’t know the names of your classmates.
I don’t know what you had for lunch.
I don’t know if you understand what we say.
I don’t know what the world is like for you.
I hope with time I can know more
Such much the future has in store
But for now I am grateful for
All the things I know for sure
I know you love your bacon crispy.
I know you are ticklish on your neck.
I know you are strong and coordinated.
I know you love to swing and swim.
I know you have no fear.
I know you are tired when you snuggle up with me on the couch.
I know when you wake up giggling in the middle of the night you aren’t going back to sleep.
I know you will only eat the icing off a cupcake.
I know you are truly happy when you are smiling.
I know I love you without condition.
I know you love me.
I can feel it, I don’t need to hear it.