No Small Victories

On the Autism journey no victory is small

We recognize and celebrate them all


Sitting at the table without running away

Rolling a ball, engaging in play


Hearing a direction and taking action

Sleeping 8 hours to our satisfaction


Time for shoes, you hold out your feet

A shapes puzzle you can now complete


Attending a party with no tears

Trying a new food, elicits cheers


Using walking feet to get where we’re going

Seeing new places with no tantrum throwing


Using one finger to touch a screen

Holding out your hands for us to clean

Letting your sister watch her show

Listening to us when we say no


Learning how to jump in a pool

Understanding and following a rule


Looking when your name is said

Falling asleep in your own bed


In all these things we take pleasure

Life with you is such a treasure


The A Word


Travel Guide: Excellence Punta Cana